CSIC Investiga magazine [+]
Cancer, the greatest challenge faced by our society.
The LEGOCHIP project has been highlighted in a prestigious outreach magazine from the Spanish Research Council “CSIC Investiga”.
“We are working towards a new biosensor platform based on graphene and nanophotonic devices for the early diagnosis of melanoma,” says CSIC Professor Laura M. Lechuga.
For the first time, a nanoporous graphene-based material is being integrated into ultra-sensitive optical biosensors with a dual function: to facilitate in situ and precision filtering of human samples, such as blood, plasma or serum, and to provide a chemical matrix for anchoring the receptor probes with atomic precision. “This novel nanobiosensor is aimed at the early detection of melanoma (skin cancer) as well as the continuous monitoring of patients at high risk of developing the disease – through the rapid and ultrasensitive identification of specific biomarkers (microRNAs) using microlitres of blood from the patient,” explains CSIC ProfessorLaura M. Lechuga